- COSYS - Systems Solutions Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 1681
Sorrento, Florida 32776 - Phone:407.512.6603
- FAX: 321.445.5542

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Here's What Our Clients Have to Say
"COSYS is able to deliver computer support service that is superior to that of our parent company's in house IT Department and does it at about a third of the per user cost with Shared Vision TM."
"COSYS delivers! We let COSYS be our outsourced IT Department so we can focus on our core business of Commercial Construction. We especially appreciate the proactive support of Shard Vision TM Managed Services and their excellent communications that Shared Vision TM provides."
"Our employees count on good performance from their desktops and laptops every day. Their success depends on efficient computer operation. Shared Vision TM helps us meet our goals."
"We enjoy the fast response we get from COSYS. It is great to know that with Shared Vision TM that COSYS already knows if we have a problem and is already working to resolve the problem. You just can't beat that!"
“As a small Family office with a unique and demanding set of IT concerns, it’s comforting to know that all of our technology needs are in reliable and trustworthy hands.”